1897 Silver Dollar
Morgan Silver Dollars (1878-1921) (Specific Dates) 1897 Morgan Dollar BU Rollover to zoom. Any Quantity (4) Quantity + Add To. There are 272 1897 silver dollar for sale on Etsy, and they cost $91.55 on average. The most common 1897 silver dollar material is metal. The most popular color? All Morgans are 90% silver and the mint mark is on the back under the wreath. MS-65 O 1897 Morgans are selling for between $30,000 and $55,000. You might think a Morgan Silver Dollar with five million minted might be easy to find today, but that's not true for the 1897-S. Today the 1897 San Francisco Morgan Silver Dollar is extremely hard to find. This could be because many were immediately released into circulation. Don't wait - secure this superb example before it disappears!
Coin Values Moving with Precious Metals: Up-Dated 2/8/2021: Gold $1813 Silver $26.90
Pushed higher by bullion prices your 1896 Morgan silver dollar value is a minimum of $25.44 . Additionally, of higher value to collectors are those minted at the San Francisco mint.
Three different mints in 1896 coined silver dollars, all valued separately today. Philadelphia, New Orleans and thirdly, valued the highest are those from the San Francisco mint. Presence of a mintmark is easy to identify, locate them with the help of the image below the value chart and determine if your silver dollar has an 'O' or 'S' mintmark or no mintmark on the reverse.
Pay particular attention to you coin if it's the 1896-S. Values begin to rise significantly in the upper collector grades starting with the extremely fine condition.
Next of great importance to value is the condition of your Morgan dollar. Rare coin dealers and collectors avidly search for nice condition coins. Top quality is rare and desirable. However less popular are heavily worn 1896 silver dollars, these trade close to silver value. Have a close look at your coin, if it still retains its original detail with no wear it is easily a higher value silver dollar.
Mintmarks are a small but important detail deciding 1896 Morgan silver dollar value. Finding your coin was struck at the San Francisco mint, identified by an 'S' mintmark on the reverse increases the potential value. Just below the ribbon is either an 'S' for the San Francisco mint, or an 'O' indicating New Orleans. If none is found your coin was minted at the Philadelphia mint.
1896 Morgan Silver Dollar Values | ||||
Condition of Coin | ||||
Date | Good | Fine | Extremely Fine | Uncirculated |
1896 Morgan Silver Dollar Values Updated | 2/8/2021 | |||
1896 | $25.44 | $25.44 | $28.24 | $51.74 |
1896 O | $31.15 | $32.95 | $39.67 | $1,034 |
1896 S | $31.15 | $32.95 | $190 | $1,831 |
Auction Highlight: 1896 Morgan Silver Dollar Value
Original, 'uncirculated' condition 1896 dollars are scarce. Among these are a rare few silver dollars that stand out because of exceptional eye appeal. Pictured is an 1896 dollar, primarily scarce because it was minted in San Francisco, and now elevated to rare status because of condition.
Carefully handled since minted this coin has minimal contact marks and scuffs. Truly fortunate because in 1896 silver dollars were stored and transported in bags of 1000 coins. As such they immediately began to accumulate nicks and dings. Those few survivors without heavy marks are highly prized today.
Also setting this coin apart is the quality of luster. Semi reflective fields frame the bright white portraits and letters. In total, a very special silver dollar.
When offered at a David Lawrence auction this coin drew multiple bids. The final price settling at $2,530. High quality plus collector demand resulted in a strong 1896 Morgan silver dollar value.
Value of Your 1896 Silver Dollar is Conditional
Judging the condition of your coin is one of the subtle ways 1896 Morgan silver dollar value changes. Dates and mintmarks are prominent and certain. Grading requires determining the amount of wear, if any, has taken place. Compare your dollar to the images and descriptions. With a little time and study these small changes in appearance become apparent.
Uncirculated: A silver dollar in 'uncirculated' condition has never circulated through commerce. Showing no signs of wear, your coin should still have the look of brand new. Any loss of metal due to wear appears on Liberty's temple and coronet within the hair.
Extremely Fine: Slight wear but still sharply defined with abundant detail remaining defines the extremely fine grade. A couple of points to examine, the hair behind the ear and the large cotton blossoms just above. These should still retain ample detail but also display evidence of minor wear.
Fine: Slight wear but still sharply defined with abundant detail remaining defines the extremely fine grade. A couple of points to examine, the hair behind the ear and the large cotton blossoms just above. These should still retain ample detail but also display evidence of minor wear.
Good: Lack of design defines this old silver dollar as 'Good' condition. Liberty is mostly an outline, once a cap, hair curls and head band are now obscured. Lettering now connects to the rim in places but readable. Lack of any hair line above the forehead places this coin solidly in this lower grade. Showing excessive wear, your 1896 Morgan silver dollar value is tied closer to its silver content than collector value.
Coin Values CoinStudy Articles
Date by Date
In Depth Morgan Silver Dollar Value
1878 to 1921
1878 | 1885 | 1892 | 1899 |
1879 | 1886 | 1893 | 1900 |
1880 | 1887 | 1894 | 1901 |
1881 | 1888 | 1895 | 1902 |
1882 | 1889 | 1896 | 1903 |
1883 | 1890 | 1897 | 1904 |
1884 | 1891 | 1898 | 1921 |
Every collector admires these large silver coins, every collector wants one. Their popularity is immense. Worth over $24.55 each because of silver content alone. Check your coins with the grading images and value charts. Find a rare date, mintmark or a better condition coin and Morgan silver dollar values start climbing.
No surprise here, the large size and classic designs insure Silver Dollars are one of the favorites with collectors. Each series is covered in detail, with values listed for all dates and mintmarks, including more on your 1896 Morgan silver dollar value. Compare your coins to images in the sections 'How to grade Silver Dollars' and accurately discover how much your old dollars are worth.
★Coin Values Discovery finds... 1896 Morgan Silver Dollar Value and...
All old US coin values. Value charts in combination with grading images to judge condition discovers how much your old coins are worth. Get the best price if selling by knowing the accurate value of all your coins.
Preparing to Sell Silver Coins
Silver dollars, the Morgan and Peace series, are in demand by dealers. These old coins are very liquid in the coin collecting market. There are always buyers interested in purchasing your coins. Receive the highest price by separating the collectable from the bullion priced pieces. For more info see the Sell Silver Coins article.
Coin Values Moving with Precious Metals: Up-Dated 2/8/2021: Gold $1813 Silver $26.90
Your 1897 Morgan silver dollar value is being pushed higher by active collector demand and rising bullion prices. Currently it is worth $25.44 .
With its large silver content as a start and collector demand for the New Orleans issue your coin has the potential for much higher value. Of the three mints striking silver dollars in 1897, those struck at New Orleans are uncommon to find today. Add in the huge popularity of these coins and the prices are above minimum silver value.
Here are key factors to consider in your coin values.
Mintmarks: Evident by the chart, 1897 dollars with the 'O' mintmark are scarce today, fewer of the original mintage have survived relative to others. A close up image to help locate mintmarks is further down the page.
Condition: Next, the condition of your coin needs close inspection. If it is well preserved, with most original detail remaining, it is a valuable silver dollar. These nice condition pieces are tops on collector want lists. A desirable 1897 silver dollar in 'uncirculated' condition, with no wear to its surface, is pictured to the right.
Discovering rare mintmarks and high condition all contributes to how much your old silver dollar is worth.
Mintmarks do make a difference in value. As collectors assemble sets, most include examples from each of the three mints that produced silver dollars in 1897. Identified by mintmarks located on the reverse just under the ribbon, these different mints are 'S' San Francisco, 'O' New Orleans mint. The Philadelphia mint did not place a mintmark on 1897 silver dollars.
1897 Morgan Silver Dollar Values | ||||
Condition of Coin | ||||
Date | Good | Fine | Extremely Fine | Uncirculated |
1897 Morgan Silver Dollar Values Updated | 2/8/2021 | |||
1897 | $25.44 | $25.44 | $28.24 | $51.74 |
1897 O | $25.44 | $29.58 | $39.67 | $692 |
1897 S | $25.44 | $29.58 | $32.95 | $66.53 |
Judge Your Silver Dollar Value as a Collector
To a serious collector of Morgan dollars adding an outstanding 1897-O to their collection is a milestone. While not scarce in circulated, worn condition finding a pleasing example in 'uncirculated' condition is often a challenge.
Pictured is a coin that would fit well in a high end collection. Bright luster framed by blue and gold toning sets this coin apart. It is one of the scarce mint state survivors showing no sign of wear and few nicks and abrasions. An exceptional coin and ranking among the finest 1897 New Orleans silver dollars known.

Also a significant plus to collectors, this coin is exceptional in its quality of strike rendering a highly detailed Morgan dollar. View your coin again, now with the eye of a collector.
With so much in its favor, results at a David Lawrence Rare Coin Auction were a pleasing $1600 value, a nice outcome to both the high bidder and previous owner.
Details Raise 1897 Morgan Silver Dollar Value
Essential to highest accurate coin values is determining the condition of your 1897 silver dollar. By closely examining the surface and judging the amount of wear reflect its 'grade.' Entries in the value chart above are listed under these grade headings. Often an old silver dollar is common in heavily worn condition but scarce and valued much higher if significant detail remains.

Uncirculated: A silver dollar in 'uncirculated' condition has never circulated through commerce, thus no wear has occurred to its surfaces. Your coin should exhibit a 'like new' luster. Wear dulls this luster and affects the high points of Liberty's check, temple and hair. On the reverse the breast feathers and head of the eagle are subject to initial wear. If the luster is complete on both sides it assures the coin is uncirculated.
1897 Silver Dollar Amazon

Extremely Fine: Slight but obvious removal of design and metal defines a worn silver dollar in 'extremely fine' condition. Mint luster is now gone from the large exposed areas, the field in front of Liberty and her face. Small details in her hair are now missing, most noticeable above her forehead and behind her neck. Also the folds in the cap show wear on the highest parts, the result of use and handling. This is a nice coin, with solid 1897 Morgan silver dollar value.
Fine: Moderate wear and moderate loss of detail reduces Morgan silver dollars to the 'fine' grade. Although wear is apparent, major design elements of her cap and hair curls remain bold and recognizable. However those original fine details are lost and replaced by flat areas.
Good: Your 1897 silver dollar in 'good' condition is well worn with most of the metal forming the high reliefs of design removed. Liberty's cheek and forehead have blended into one connecting with her hair and cap. The rim is almost gone, however the stars and lettering remain separate of the rim. Giving your coin character, some detail remains, large curls of hair behind the neck and a full 'Liberty' in her coronet.
Coin Values CoinStudy Articles
Date by Date
In Depth Morgan Silver Dollar Value
1878 to 1921
1878 | 1885 | 1892 | 1899 |
1879 | 1886 | 1893 | 1900 |
1880 | 1887 | 1894 | 1901 |
1881 | 1888 | 1895 | 1902 |
1882 | 1889 | 1896 | 1903 |
1883 | 1890 | 1897 | 1904 |
1884 | 1891 | 1898 | 1921 |
1897 Silver Dollar Ebay
Many rare and valuable dates and mintmark combinations are found throughout the entire 1878 through 1921 history of Morgan silver dollars. With a minimum value of $24.55 and rising from there, accurately determine how much your rare silver coins are worth.
Including more relating to your 1897 Morgan silver dollar value. These early dollars are becoming valuable. Easily find how much your old coins are worth.
Covering Bust Dollars beginning in 1794 next Seated dollars through Morgan and the last of the Peace silver dollars. All include value charts, alongside grading images to find the accurate value of your old dollars.
★Coin Values Discovery finds... 1897 Morgan Silver Dollar Value and...
1897 Silver Dollar Mint Mark
It is an excellent index with images and text links to all coin series, from Cents to Gold. Value charts, grading images and descriptions uncovers the common to rare coin values found in your box of old coins.
Minimum Silver Value - A Good Place to Start
Many of your old US silver coin values are tied closely to the price of silver. Silver dimes, quarters, half dollars and silver dollars are all heavy with 90% silver and worth many times their face value. With today's high value of silver your old coins are becoming surprisingly valuable. Today's Minimum Silver Coin Values